5 Dangers Distracted Truck Drivers Pose for Fleets

5 Dangers Distracted Truck Drivers Pose for Fleets

Distracted driving is a problem for all fleets. Trucking companies have to remain vigilant for risky drivers, conduct regular safety training, and ensure their managers have the tools they need to enforce distracted driving policies. Technology helps to curb the effects of distracted driving, but lane keeping and automatic emergency braking are Band-Aids to a much larger problem.

The most distracted drivers are less safe than other drivers in every measurable way. A data analysis of video analytics found the more distracted a driver is, the more likely they are to make driving mistakes and go well over the speed limit.

Here are some of the proof points that distracted drivers are a danger behind the wheel:

  1. Collision rate. The more distracted a driver becomes by their phone, the more likely they are to crash. Drivers that display heavy distraction by their phones are twice as likely to experience a collision.
  2. Stop signs. Truck drivers categorized as the most distracted were also the most likely to blow through stop signs and red lights. Compared to drivers with the least distractions, highly distracted drivers are almost three times as likely to commit these driving infractions.
  3. Lane departures. Regardless of the distraction, drivers identified as most distracted are more than two times as likely to drift into other lanes of traffic than truck drivers with limited distractions.
  4. Speed limit. Truck drivers that displayed heavy use of their mobile phones were more than three times as likely to speed more than 10 mph over the speed limit than non-distracted drivers.
  5. Seat belts. Seat belt compliance remains an ongoing issue for trucking companies. While training and enforcing safety policies help, drivers with the most distractions are more than three times as likely to drive without buckling up compared to drivers with few distractions.

It’s almost impossible to eliminate distractions as technology continues to evolve. Smartphones are among the top distractions, but tending to personal hygiene, eating, smoking, and paperwork are other common distractions while on the road. To learn more about identifying risks within your fleet to improve safety, contact the experts at Interstate Motor Carriers.